NYC Construction Accidents Jump 62 Percent in 2016


Construction in New York City (NYC) is a dangerous, but rewarding, profession. There are few other professions that allow individuals to work together to build some of the largest structures on earth.

Unfortunately, with these epic jobs come epic dangers. Having a basic understanding of these dangers and potential remedies is beneficial to anyone entering this profession.

Is the construction industry doing well in NYC? In short, the answer is yes. The construction industry is booming in NYC.

Recent projections estimate that construction jobs have been increasing in NYC since 2012. Last year was no different. According to a recent piece in The Real Deal, a news source that focuses on real estate happenings in the city, developers were rushing to take advantage of the 421a tax abatement program. This push and other factors have translated to increased construction projects. Unfortunately, with this increase in construction projects has also come an increase in construction accidents.

How much did construction accident injuries increase? The de Blasio administration released data that covers June 2015 through June 2016. Based on this data, there was a 62 percent increase in construction-related injuries compared to the previous year. This translates to 526 injuries compared to 324 injuries the previous year.

What remedies are available for injured construction workers? Depending on the details of the accident, remedies are likely available for construction workers that are injured while on-the-job. Available remedies can include monetary awards through a personal injury lawsuit. This is a civil suit that is designed to both hold the guilty party responsible for their negligence while also providing the injured party with monetary compensation to help cover the costs associated with the accident.
