Determining Liability in a Tour Bus Accident


When a group charters a bus for transportation around New York or any other state, they expect a safe trip. Unfortunately, some tour buses do get into accidents. If this happens, there are many different parties that could be held liable. The tour company itself is responsible for hiring a bus service that has a clean record. The company that provides the bus is expected to employ safe drivers and maintain reliable vehicles.

Buses are generally seen as common carriers in most states and in the eyes of the federal government. This means that they are held to high standards when it comes to the safety of passengers. Bus companies must generally prove their ability to act as common carriers when entering into a contract with a tour company. When determining liability in a case, a judge will look at whether a party took reasonable action.

For instance, if a driver obeyed traffic signs, wasn't impaired, and drove at a reasonable speed, he or she may not be liable if an accident occurs. It is also important to determine if an injury occurred on the bus or while at a tour stop. If a person is hurt while walking to or from the bus, the town or city where the accident occurred may be liable.

An individual could file a personal injury claim for compensation covering both minor or serious injuries sustained in a bus crash. This is generally true if negligence played a role in the incident taking place. Negligence may occur if a driver was impaired when the accident happened or if the bus itself wasn't properly maintained. With help from an attorney, a victim could obtain a fair settlement.
