Trampoline Parks See More Severe Injuries Than Home Trampolines


According to the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission, an estimated 100,000 emergency department visits in 2014 were the result of trampoline injuries. Since then, recreational trampoline parks and jump parks have risen in popularity, and these may be contributing to an increase in injuries. New York residents should know that, contrary to what park promoters say, the relative safety of these parks has not been adequately gauged yet.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons found that the percentage of serious injuries among adults and children is higher in trampoline parks than on home trampolines. These injuries include lower extremity fractures, open fractures of all kinds and fractures that require surgery.

More injuries, in general, are incurred on home trampolines at 66% as opposed to 34% on home trampolines. However, 55% of severe injuries are related to trampoline parks compared to 44% at home. Among adults, the percentage of severe injuries is 45% at jump parks and 17% at home; for children, it is 59% and 47%, respectively.

These parks may be seeing more severe injuries because their setting encourages participants to engage in high-flying acrobatics and coordinate their falls less. More research will be needed to analyze the societal and economic impact of trampoline-park-related injuries.

A trampoline accident may provide the basis for a premises liability claim if it was the result of the property owner's negligence. For example, the homeowner may have failed to lay down trampoline rules for guests, or the trampoline park owner may have neglected to repair a malfunctioning device or add sufficient padding to one of the attractions. Whatever the case, victims may be able to seek compensation for their medical bills, pain and suffering and other applicable losses with a lawyer by their side.
