Which Factors Make Entryways Unsafe?


It doesn't matter whether one is talking about a home or a storefront. There's one common concern that applies no matter what building it is: how to make an entryway safer.

Stairs leading up to a home's porch or a storefront can be quite dangerous, especially if the individual steps are too narrow, thick or spaced too far apart. It's particularly difficult for elderly or disabled individuals to navigate stairs that lack handrails or ones that house debris on them, such as ice or leaves. All of these factors can lead to visitors to someone's home or business getting hurt.

Lighting is another factor that can make entryways quite unsafe. Poorly lit porches or storefronts can leave guests vulnerable on many levels. Potential criminals may go unnoticed in the bushes, behind columns and other structures as a visitor await to enter someone's home. A store customer may miss seeing steps, cracks in the pavement, or other obstructions in their path if it has a poorly lit entryway.

Another potential hazard that many individuals who visit others' homes or places of business have to contend with is adjusting to different flooring types. Carpets or rugs are particularly dangerous as they pose a tripping hazard. Tiled or vinyl floors may become slippery if someone spills something or water puddles on them. Slips, trips and falls can all result in catastrophic injuries.

There are many dangers associated with poorly lit, maintained or cleaned homes or building entryways. One of the best things that you can do if you've suffered injuries while visiting someone else's property is to consult with an attorney. Your New York City lawyer will want to know more details about the moments leading up to you getting hurt before advising you whether you can file a lawsuit in your case to recover damages.
