Subway Injuries Plague New York City Residents


New York City subways can be dangerous places — and that is without the muggers. Lots of New Yorkers wind up injured when trying to navigate the stairs.

Learn more about how you can avoid the trips, slips and falls that can occur on subway property — and what to do if you get hurt.

Slow it down

There’s a reason for the stereotype of the always rushed and rushing New Yorker. But it is just this heedless hurry that contributes to many accidents. When you are navigating the stairs, slow down and use the handrails.

Platforms pose special hazards

In a single recent year — 2017 — there were 44 fatalities and 181 incidents where riders came into contact with a subway train. It is vital that all subway riders understand the danger that the subway tracks pose. Standing too near the tracks while waiting for a train can prove deadly if you were to stumble. Worse, some mentally ill individuals have been known to push hapless riders onto the tracks in the path of subway trains.

Should you ever drop anything onto the tracks, consider it gone forever. Never climb down to retrieve a fallen item.

Escalators and elevators

Let escalators do their jobs. Never try to run or walk up or down on them. Small children must be supervised and should hold a parent’s hand on the escalator and not the handrail.

Keep shoelaces and loose clothing away from the escalator’s moving parts where they might catch. Remember to step off an escalator and not ride it off.

Elevator safety includes closely monitoring children around elevator doors. Beware of pet leashes or stroller parts getting stuck in elevator doors. Always let the car’s occupants exit before attempting to get into an elevator.

Know your rights to seek compensation after a subway accident

Not all accidents are the fault of the victims. Sometimes a party’s negligence can lead to a successful personal injury claim resolution. Since the injuries you suffer in a subway accident can be both serious and substantial, it is always prudent to learn whether you can recover compensation for your losses, damages and injuries.
