Changing Weather Means More Hazardous Public Areas


As we speed toward the holiday season, it is wise to consider some of the hazards that come with winter weather so that you can avoid injury. While poorly maintained public areas are always a hazard, they pose far greater risk to pedestrians when combined with winter weather elements like snow and ice.

If you or someone you love do slip and fall in a public area, you may have grounds to file a personal injury suit against the municipality that owns the property where you suffered the injury. In these instances, it is always wise to consult with an experienced attorney as you build your case. This crucial assistance can ensure you use every tool available to build a strong claim while protecting your rights.

Doesn't the city have a duty to keep public areas usable?

In general, if you suffer an injury on someone else's property, the property owner may face liability for your expenses and losses. This is true of private individuals and most local, state, and federal government entities. However, a city or other municipality does not hold absolute liability for every accident that happens within its limits on public property.

As it pertains to inclement weather, a city may not have the manpower or equipment to safely maintain all public areas constantly, especially in particularly serious weather events. It is worth understanding what measures your city is responsible to take when serious weather conditions arise.

However, if the party who owns the property where you suffered your injury is negligent in the care of the property, that owner may face liability. Should the owner of a sidewalk know that a dangerous condition exists in it and not do anything, a patch of ice may form, which may lead to an injury.

What about parking lots?

Parking lots must generally be kept in a reasonably safe condition, but easily avoidable hazards may exist in some cases. However, the owner of a lot must provide adequate lighting, fill in holes and large cracks, and keep changes in the level of ground gradual enough that they do not cause tripping.

Get the help you need to focus on recovery

After a slip-and-fall accident, you may face a difficult path to recover from your injuries. There is no need to divide your focus when it comes to recovery. You can reach out to an experienced attorney to represent your interests and protect your rights as you seek justice.
