Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls With Floor Maintenance


The owners of commercial facilities in New York may want to review what they have done to address the risk of slips, trips and falls on the property. Slips, trips, and falls are the number one cause of workers' compensation claims with falls from the same level being the second most expensive workplace injury in general. These types of injuries also account for the most days taken off work.

Perhaps the best way to prevent such accidents is to have a clear floor maintenance program. This program should cover four places: The first being the lobby. Some property owners want the hall buffed and waxed as part of its visual appeal, but this can make the floor slippery as a result. The lobby is also where entrants will track in snow, rainwater and mud.

The next area of concern is the breakroom or cafeteria. The spilling of food and beverages does not go well with the vinyl or other smooth surfaces that most breakrooms have. Third, owners should ensure regular maintenance for piping and roofs.

Debris and slippery surfaces are just two dangers. Torn or unanchored carpeting can cause trips and falls. Areas of transition, such as from carpeting to tile, are also hazardous. Employees should be trained on proper cleaning procedures, too, to avoid accidents.

Should an accident occur, the property owner may wind up facing a premises liability claim. For a claim to be valid, the victim must prove that the owner neglected his or her duty of care to entrants and that this negligence was to blame, directly or indirectly, for the injury. This can be difficult, so the victim may want to hire a lawyer, who, in turn, may bring in investigators and other third parties to build up the case.
